Stefan Glerum

The first thing that strikes me about Stefan Glerum’s work is how unique it is. There have been a few artists featured here who have styles that somehow just work, and that you haven’t really seen before. Of course there are elements that are similar or inspired from similar sources, but I can’t lay my finger on just one influence. That’s one thing that really peaks my interest here.

Stefan Glerum was trained by Joost Swarte, a famous Dutch cartoonist and graphic designer, which is where we begin to piece the puzzle pieces of Gerlum’s style from. His work is heavily influenced by old Belgian comics, with an added Art Deco, Bauhus, and Pop Surrealist feel (add in some Constructionist for taste), as well as a strong eye for design and composition. He incorporates text into his work like a pro – the lettering fits like a glove with his rigid and constructed lines. 

I’m particularly fond of this work with the Bavarian State Opera. The rigid constructional line work is a really base for the composition and does a fantastic job of relaying both the concept and feel of the show – it feels almost like puppets performing a grand performance. Because it draws such a deep, blurry line between realistic and stylized depictions of scenes and people the audience is readily swooped into the image, ready to place their own thoughts and opinions into the piece. 

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